The NGO Regulatory Authority would like to notify all NGOs that it has started receiving 2023 reports. The Regulator would further like to notify all NGOs that report submission and NGO registration is strictly done online through myNGO. As previously done, reports have to be filed within six months after the close of each NGO`s financial year. In this regard, if an NGO`s year ended on 30th June, 2023 the submission deadline is 31st December, 2023.

It should be noted that the registration and reporting requirements remain the same, the only difference is that instead of bringing hard copies to the NGO Board office, NGOs will have to log in to their myNGO accounts, upload the necessary documents and fill in the necessary information. For those that have never used myNGO or do not have login credentials, please contact: Tel: +265 1 770 011, +265 88 5 134 734, Email:

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